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Medio Ambiente y Cambio Climático |

Paris, 12 December 2015 - UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner heralded a historic agreement in Paris today that saw 195 countries arrive at a universal climate agreement. 

“The Paris Agreement is probably the most important international agreement in history. Nations of the world have underlined that climate change is a threat to the security and prosperity of all societies, and can only be addressed through unity of purpose. A sustainable future benefits all of humanity. 

"This agreement is a testament to the ability of our societies to set aside differences and confront collective challenges for the global good. Importantly, the agreement has provisions to protect the most vulnerable. Fairness and equity are at the heart of this accord. 

"Governments have sent a signal to the private sector that the momentum toward sustainability cannot be stopped. This is what the world needed to see. 

"Above all, we have given future generations hope instead of doom and gloom. 

“Now that negotiations have concluded, our work continues. We must focus on implementing the solutions that drive an inclusive green economy, including renewable energy, green finance initiatives, and sustainability in transport, construction and other sectors. 

“However, in the days after Paris, we can reflect on the incredible progress we’ve made in only 23 short years. This is progress through compromise that the entire world can celebrate. Climate change creates enormous problems for our planet. But by bringing the world together it has driven cooperation and collective action on a scale few would have imagined possible a year ago. 

“I congratulate Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres, Minister Fabius, all governments and civil society for their hard work, determination, and commitment to a future that puts the planet and its peoples first."